Dr. Kolar N. Murthy, M.D.

Dr. Kolar N. Murthy, M.D. Get a Second Opinion

Attending Physician, Neurology

Los Robles Hospital and Medical Center, Thousand Oaks, CA

Areas of expertise



Dr. Murthy completed both undergraduate and medical education in Mysore, India. Following a year of Medical Internship he moved to the United States and completed an Internship at the West Oak Park Hospital at Oak Park, Il and Residency in Internal Medicine and Neurology at the Long Beach VA Hospital and at the Wadsworth VA Hospital in Los Angeles. Following an additional year of training in Neurology as Chief Resident at the VA Wadsworth Hospital, Dr. Murthy settled into Private Practice in Thousand Oaks, CA.

He was appointed as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the UCLA School of Medicine in 1973 and Professor in 2004.


Government Medical College, Mysore, India
Internal Medicine: VA Long Beach Hospital, CA | Neurology: VA Wadsworth Hospital, Los Angeles, CA
West Suburban Hospital, Oak Park, IL
Medical Degree
M.D., F.R.C.P.(C.)


Fellow, American Academy of Neurology
Affiliate Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine
Member, American Association of Advancement of Science
Member, Society of Neuroimaging
Member, Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Member, American Society of Neuro-Rehabilitation
Member, CME committee, Los Robles Regional Medical Center, Thousand Oaks, CA
Member, Pharmacy Therapeutic Committee, St. John’s Hospital, Oxnard, CA
Best Teacher Award, Simi Valley Hospital, Simi Valley, CA
Excellence and Outstanding Teaching of Residents, Fellows and Students. Wadsworth West Los Angeles VA Hospital-UCLA Los Angeles. (2005, 2006)


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